6.- Rural Hostel Fuente Agria´s Vegetable Garden: an educational resource and a gastronomic experience.
“Is there anything better than growing your own food?” That is what followers of organic vegetable gardens say.
We believe in a sustainable rural environment, in healthy relationships between the rural area and human actions, in the production of our own goods to offer them to our visitors, a commitment to learn and teach through the growing of vegetables and fruits.
Rural Hostel Fuente Agria´s organic vegetable garden promotes a less energy-consuming lifestyle, holding back the rate of climate change and the foreseeable exhaustion of oil.
The vegetable garden helps us to undertake educational activities, to encourage involvement, to establish a better understanding of our environment and, above all, to regain the true flavor of vegetables and fruits: genuine tomatoes, scrumptious escaroles, exquisite beans, peppers, onions, radishes, aubergines…They keep showing us, year after year, Mother Earth´s bounty.